Thursday, September 24, 2009

God will accomplish His purposes. He does not NEED me here. I GET to be here.

Last Friday, I laid in bed, miserable with body aches, perpetual sneeze attacks and sniffles. I couldn’t take that I had spent a third day “resting up” and not on campus or working on bible studies or administrative work. God was teaching me to trust Him with my schedule again and to remember my value is not found in my works. As I breathed in His comfort and assurance, my phone buzzed with a text message. Earlier that week I had asked a student to pray about partnering with the ministry as a student leader. She was supposed to let me know that night. The text message was her informing me that she enjoyed bible study the previous night - the one I missed. Instead of texting her back, I called her and asked if she had prayed about her role in the ministry.
“Yes, I prayed,” she said and paused. Though I really wanted to see her commit to the ministry, I had a great peace that God would do what He wanted. “I prayed. . .and I want to take a step of faith. I don’t know what this is going to look like, but if I don’t like it I can always quit.”
I laughed. “That’s right. You can.” But in my heart, I knew that would not be the case. God had provided a friend for me to share my life with. My heart smiled. God was working in this girl’s heart even as I was absent from campus. Once again he was showing me that He does not NEED me to be here. He has invited me to witness and be apart of what He is already doing.
I find it hard to believe that it has only been a little over a month since arriving in Bowie, Maryland. The Lord has been moving powerfully in my life already, and in the lives of many new friends!

Here is a glimpse into what God has been doing in my life…

First Couple of weeks I struggled with the question, “Why am I here?” I struggled with comparing myself to my teammates. Two of them are extroverts and seem to always be connecting with so many people, while I felt like God wasn’t providing any opportunities or that I was getting in the way. I was chasing students, rather than waiting for God to provide. He kept knocking on my heart and asking me, “Will you let me into this area of insecurity? Will you trust me?” I also struggled with feeling so alone in a new place. God has been teaching me about his love. I’ve been walking more in faith these last couple weeks, and I’ve seen the Lord provide an opportunity FINALLY!!!! And yet I’m still called to not find my worth in that. When there is nothing going on and when there is too much going on, my worth is in Christ and His faithfulness.

On campus, God has opened doors immediately for meaningful freshman relationships…Sarah and I have connected with over twenty girls and have a seen a few come to Christ. Now that we are a month in, we also see the Lord bringing a couple girls for us to pour into and disciple. Robert and Brandon are the male missionaries on the team and they have over forty freshmen meeting for bible studies and prayer. We are seeing God move in amazing ways. Now, with all of this momentum, I can see first hand the reality of Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is plentiful, and the laborers few…” Your prayers and financial support are making a difference!

Here is a typical week in campus ministry. On Mondays I spend about three hours spending time alone with God and then I connect with students. On Tuesdays I spend another three hours working on bible studies that I will do with some of the girls and on the staff bible study. Then, I go back to campus to connect with students. On Wednesdays I have a staff meeting where we touch base on what’s going and
go through ministry training. I usually connect with students in the evening as well. Thursday looks like Tuesday. Friday I do administrative work and fundraise. Saturday is my day off. Sunday is my day of rest. At some point during the week Marvin (the campus director) meets with me for about an hour for more ministry training and at some other point I connect with his wife, Pam, for accountability.

As of this week, I am still trusting the Lord to raise up my remaining $6545 in financial support. Continuing to fundraise amidst a busy campus schedule has proven more difficult than I imagined, but I am confident of the Lord’s calling and therefore His provision as He moves in the hearts of additional ministry partners.

If you haven’t already, would you be willing to pray about joining me in ministry at Bowie State University as a financial partner?

Twelve partners investing $45 per month for twelve months would allow me to reach full support and minister that much more freely. Jesus used twelve ordinary friends to change the world. I am praying for twelve extraordinary friends, like you, to change Bowie State University!

Thanks so much for you prayers and support! And thanks for taking the time to read this update. I hope this gives you a better picture of what is going on here. I will be mailing out a newsletter in October.

With you in Christ,

 Laura Welch

P.S. I’m 80% funded! Praise God for His provision! And if you would like to give please click on my picture at the top right of this page.

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