Sunday, November 15, 2009

Go Fish!

Last Thursday our large group bible study looked at Luke 5:1-11. We all dug into the scriptures like detectives trying to discover exactly what God wanted to say to us through the. We looked at the details and the significance for them and saw how God puts us into impossible situations so that we can depend on Him. Sarah, my co-laborer, roommate, and friend, facilitated the discussion and did a great job. The study is actually called a bible discussion group, designed to draw in believers and non-believers a like. We say, "We just get together and discuss the Bible." But we know as leaders and followers of Christ, who is the Word, that the word is living and active. Each Thursday we experience it piercing our hearts and the hearts of students.

This past Thursday meant a lot to me. While responding to the verse 10-11, one of the students, Ashley, pointed out each of us (Nav Leaders) as fishers of men.

Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. (v.10-11)

She said that each of us were examples of fishers of men. We left everything to come on this campus and be fishers of men and that's why all of them were in that room, because were doing that. We were about saving people. A tear began to well up in my eye as she recounted why in the world I was here, in Bowie, MD, going through the growing pains of ministry and challenged to persevere. For souls. And a student, A STUDENT, saw that. She sees what we are about. And that is so refreshing. Now I am praying that as people see us they will also catch the vision to be fishers of men.

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