Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Student Recognizes The Cost of Discipleship

Luke 14:25-33 addresses the cost of discipleship. I had the privilege of reading this passage among challenging scriptures with a student today who has been asking hard questions, questions that no one else can answer but her. She's realizing that following Christ is a commitment. She has to let go of some things in order to take the Bible seriously. Although she didn't walk away like, "Yes, I'm ready to give up everything for the sake of Christ," she did walk away encouraged that she is not in this alone. She does not have to muster up the strength to walk this out perfectly. That's impossible! Christ has already done that, and that's why we can rejoice in the fact that his grace empowers us to become more and more like Him.

Please pray for her that she would have courage in her walk of faith, not to follow her friends but to wholeheartedly follow God instead.

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I'm happy to announce that Bowie State Navigators is now an official organization at BSU!!!!
We can now reserve rooms for our large group meetings. Here are a couple pics from last week.

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